Nostalgic indulgences..


The afternoon shadow at my window panes were so soothing that I felt nostalgic owing to the black and white color palettes it created out there. 

I felt the cloudy day with rain☔  drops outside the small green home 🏡 is something which I missed during my noon hours at school. 

Pretty sure that I was an innocent book worm at that time finding hope and solutions from books 📚 for everything. 

Alas , the days have changed . 

And , yet I felt I can still come and go to my childhood days with a sweet smile 😊 on my face. 

And who knows , what happens next. 

May be the games I missed at school may come later welcoming me making life a reenergised one - brand new again. 

Hope is the word , perseverance is the word. Then , all words and world's will become yours. 

The day can become a 🪙 golden one if you wish , and then turn every day into gold coins for your intended purpose. 


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