Observing things .


You need to observe things too closely to truly understand.  

You need to wear a garland of silence and patience to understand the pattern. 

Patterns are deeply ingrained in behaviour. Decoding them takes time. You have to see what every behaviour means contextually also. 

When you see a pattern , it tends to repeat.  Knowing pattern of yours and others behaviour saves your time in future , as once you get to know the thing you tend to reach at conclusions or end results of their behaviour rather easily. This also conserves your energy. 

Focus and determination are necessary in this task. Even though predictability comes only with practice and experience , digging deeper into yourself and your intuition gives you valuable insights beforehand. 

Patterns exist in universe also , even the arrangement of floral petals in a geometrical perfect manner is a pattern. 

Behaviour of human beings and animals after birth to find mother and have milk is a behavioural inborn tendency , it tends to repeat in every generation. This is passed on through DNA. 

When our ancient seers used patterns of letters , they called it praasa and used in shlokas which had energy of repetition also , they had musical connotation owing to this repetition. 

In the modern world , we see automatic softwares or applications detecting face , finger print  interpreting results using patterns of face , finger print etc. 

Whatever repeats becomes strongly imprinted. That's why we say to repeat studying the same thing again and again. That's why mantras are told to be chanted in more number for getting results. The vibration penetrates faster and wider when it's repeated. 

AI also uses patterns to descriminate and give faster results. 

Observing , analysing , finding the most accurate result from the options and giving it as it is with precision is what human needs from the time immemorial. Earlier , humans familiarised themselves and got themselves trained to be efficient enough to become like that. Nowadays , they need robots and AI to do things for them. 

When we observe closely , this too becomes obvious. 


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