
Showing posts from October, 2022

Centrifugal force and personal influence

  Can your increasing influence in the society lead to repelling of negative elements from you ? Yes , if you are a strong positive person , your aura radiates positive vibes which increases it's radius when your influential circle increases.  This acts like a centrifugal force for negative people and they are also pushed away from you when it comes to circumstances in your life.  When your aura is pure , it also has intensity of light like the Sun which makes people of negative vibes to stay away from your presence.  What about positive people in your lives ? They feel attracted to you like magnets and get connected with you automatically just like your phone gets connected to nearby Wifi network easily .  Science , technology , social science , human psychology, spirituality everything is deeply interconnected. 

Scribbling strokes

  Just scribble something sometimes.  Be it your thoughts , your opinions or findings from the light of your deep down experiences.  Scribble for namesake , like a relaxed pass time task.  Scribble some names you still remember out of the blues , your memory lanes.  Scribble some lovely quotes some one told you with an intense passion for you , with all interest in you.  Scribble those painful memories and let them float in your memory lake and flow away into the Ocean of brain .  Scribble those unique ideas you wish to improve world around you.  Scribble those fear and prejudiced views , make them convince to trust in your conscience and remain calm.  Scribble love , scribble faith , scribble and picturise yourself in the future era.  Be yourself and confident and bring yourself into those tiny letters ...  And one day , read those words again; when you are in a playful mood to read and forget.  For life is full of untold impr...

Building an empire..

  Building anything from scratch is a big task , building an entire empire is a huge task to be accomplished ofcourse.  When right planning gets worked out with right people and at the right time with right amount of efforts , the net result becomes worthy.  You need all kinds of people for that , even a small squirrel 🐿️ contributed in Rama Ravana war in Ramayana.  Advisors , ministers , warriors , merchants , artists , treasurers ... All strata of the society has their own set of contributions when coming to the making of a healthy society.  The base of any social setup should be based on the well being of the members as a whole by ensuring liberty , equality and fraternity.  The upper class should understand the lower class and vice versa. Emotional empathy when combines with efficient implementation of tasks, the society achieves the goal of progress.  This progress when expands itself into social, economical , geographical dimensions , the so cal...


  It's like a jumping into the sea like feeling , a sort of indulgence when it comes to things one wishes to do passionately.  You may get the pearl out there or just will have to return empty handed.  Yet the urge to jump high and delve into the depths of the unknown mysteries is something which gives you such a high.  People run and in the due course of time , accelerate their speeds inorder to reach the intended target asap.  Some hit the target precisely , some loose it at the least possible margins. This is what we call simply .. FATE.  You indulge in things which gives you that kick , which motivates you to keep running the track always.  It's like a dog tied to a circular pole runs and runs thinking to succeed in its attempt , always there are 50 - 50 chances.  Uncertainty is your greatest ally when it comes to sudden feelings and deeds out of passion. Sometimes , waiting for the right time and acting judiciously with precision and calculat...

Repeat mode ..

  Never understood why people come in different forms ; like same mentality and personality , different places , different names.  Never realised what they want to convey , may be they are meant to reinforce our positivity and thought processes to continue and carry on the mission.  Might be they will come again in different names at different places belonging to different age groups also.  Any ways , seems strange and philosophical.Yet the truth is sometimes weird and thought provoking.  People and their stories , their feelings , expressions everything stirs the mind. Stories continue ... It's nice to see someone opening their worlds for you , it's awesome to witness their beautiful expressions in front of you.  Beauty beholds in the eyes of the viewer. Yes , wholeheartedly one should welcome the worthy people , be a listener and discover the universe of untold stories. 

Forgive and forget the fog.

  When life is full of mist and fog , it's better to forgive and forget deeds.  Like the mist fades away on a warm sunny afternoon , life also begins its retake .  Make the mind a clean slate fresh enough to write all again , ready to create new wonderful memories .  Buddha said to forgive , Jesus said to forgive , Krishna said to forgive, since it is a sacred vow one can ever take.   Forgive and beg pardon to the universe for everything.  Knowingly or unknowingly if something has happened to someone , let you not suffer for that. Allow yourself to enter the new era with all positivity shedding out inhibitions and emotions stirred deep inside.  Let the fury dissolve and stillness be there in your mind , allow the light to enter into your soul.  Forget and forgive , be prepared for the upcoming days , lead your soul only in search of crystal clear light ,not the creepy broken darkness.  Let you be the light , and shine brightly like the S...