god is great.....a small story..

     God is great...

With god u are hero without god u are zero..

These sentences are my all time favourites.

A simple story..     A man died , reached heaven and met god there..

He told to god ..i am not satisfied with ur deeds because i prayed u all the time yet u gave me difficult situations.. u didnt help me at all. 

God smiled and showed him a thing .wherever the person went four footprints were imprinted on the ground.

When he entered the tedious part of his life , only two prints..

To his surprise, god told him ..

 oh my child , those foot prints are not urs , but mine because i was carrying u in those difficult times so that u dont suffer ...

Think the greatness of our creator and his selfless love and care for us.

Be thankful for him always....


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