Centre of the universe - perspectives.

We say our ego decides how big are we in our own minds. Our universe is centred by our life and destiny. Can we say everybody's axis is on their own ? Even our perspectives change from person to person. So that's why Upanishads said , Aham brahmaasmi. The ego says , I am the universe itself. Going by the terms of Anekanta vaada , say in Jainism , there are different perspectives for everything. If a way shows direction towards x place , another way can also do the same . So , we should respect different opinions and practise whatever path our soul directs us. Each person is therefore in different universes at the same time. We know our physical and mental planes also differ . What I am thinking is not what you are thinking when we are even together ! This is told as various dimensions in the modern terms, 3D , 5D etc. Then , what is the force which unites our universe and binds it ? In universe , we say gravity helds everything together....