Connecting links...

Sometimes we become mere connecting links.. That thing will be very accidental , yet will be satisfactory also coz the river has to flow on and on .. from one place to another. From one person to another.. may be it's just to convey some idea May be it's just to make them realise about themselves , their life purpose , their real potential. Connecting links are unique , they are made just to connect , not to ponder forever. Like an unending journey , the messenger goes on travelling throughout the life, changing destinations , meeting new people , and learning new things. That's their identity , they adopt change and bring change in others life and progress selflessly. Messengers just convey message and are unattached to the receivers. Their purpose is only to deliver and they donot expect anything in return. Their life will be unique , clothed by mysterious ways of destiny , interesting yet very different. The life of an Avadhoota also i...