Some thoughts are just like that..

 When one day suddenly you look back into the yester year posts , you find there the old You. With lot's of differences. May be some ignorance , confusion. 

May be that was left out and new life made you conquer heights unexpectedly. 

Sometimes words get an unusual flow like a mystery. 

Deep inside , may be new soul is steering me. 

Thanks to the concept of enlightenment and rebirth. 

I was reborn the day I wanted to become myself. 

As an independent soul born to live a beautiful life . 

That was only the beginning , words that flow will flow forever . 

Like an ocean of unparalleled experiences. 

I never put restrictions to my thoughts. Nor do I block others to live as their wish. 

Life is only one , the essence of our efforts in previous lifetimes . It was our penance which paved the way to this lifetime. 

In this moment , lies the happiness. 

In this moment , lies the bliss...


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