Our novel love . Part 1


Ishita and Rakesh part 1 .. Starting our journey.. 

Myself Rakesh . I am an English lecturer . I didn't introduce my Ishita to you all. Yes , I shall. 

She is my Ishita. She is mine forever because we even learnt that word 'forever ' together ... Long ago in our high school .

 I was one of the brilliant studious boys in my class , she was my bench mate or the so called pen and pencil borrower from me. Her eyes were hazel green , for those eyes which mesmerized me like anything when I reached last part of my school . I was only her secret admirer until those days. 

I hardly had any intimate conversations with her because I was busy with my studies and the never ending goals that my parents insisted me to pursue. 

One day , I remember she told me seeing my mushroom hair cut that I looked cute . Hmm.. I was blushing inside. Yet I was correcting my lens and smiled at her , again started concentrating on the blackboard. 

She was a chubby girl with an attractive smile and that too with dimples on both sides.

One year passed , next year she was sitting next to Divya. Divya became her best friend from then onwards. Divya was a smart girl with looks that every boy will fall for. She was the daughter of a rich businessman in the Rohtak town. Yet , she was honest and helpful to all . 

School anniversary programmes were announced and everyone had to take part in any one programme , said the class monitor Akash to all. 

"Akash , I can't join any programme . I am shy to face the stage. " I looked at Akash to hear his reply to Ishita. Akash said , "Okay . You can participate in drawing competition then Ishita." Ishita smiled at him back . I again started checking the list for my list of interested programmes. I wanted to join the elocution contest. Divya was also in the list of contestants for the elocution. I started preparing for my class tests also in the meanwhile. 

To be continued..... 


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