Random thoughts

Once upon a time there was a girl... She was nothing in front of the other people... 

But she thought and thought and thought ... 

May be some day miracles will happen.  

May be some day things will change..

She thought , and thought and thought. 

Nothing changed.  

Years passed by . 

One day , she out of her boring life and repetitive thoughts ,set out to find out what really life is.. 

She travelled and travelled and travelled ...

Something started to change .

What was the change ? 

She could not think much because she was busy to explore others. 

One day , she again got time and thought.  

Yes , I changed a lot. 

It was my discovery that I changed. Yes , I am changing .

Her thoughts changed into deeds , again she did ,again she thought more about her and others life 

Again she did and did and did. 

Yes , now.. she began to become a true seeker of life. 

Years passed. 

She didnot look behind back. 

Yes ,her path was very much unique. 

She paved her own path , it was full of mud and stones in some places ,some were beautiful streets with flowers. 

All she cared for was her journey to the end. 

She did reach the end , 

She found a board there , 

She read it.. 

Yes , you have covered your hardest part in your journey . 

You have now achieved everything in your life. 

You became winner 🏆 here just by coming through these struggles .

Take your life with you. 

A beautiful life with astonishing and inspiring story of a journey that made you a SUCCESS... 😊

Sometimes we just don't need others. We need ourselves.. 

We lost our inner conscience .. 

We lost our inner joy sometimes.

Just to regain that , we have to again think about ourselves. 

What was our wish , what was our passion.. 

Wat was our real dream. 

Just imagine ourselves achieving that big aim ..

Take a deep breath and remember how lovely were those days when we were in our happiest situations. 

Happiness is in you when you think happy about every moment . 


Two quotes I like in life are .

God is great .


Do or die.   😊

No one can beat a person who is ready to face anything in life. 

That's why we say people who are alone at heart are strong because nothing can stop them from conquering things.

The world is so much miraculous that every second it's changing , then how can people who live in a small microscopic part of the world boast of them like conquerers of the world ?

Some people are silent communicators while some openly express their feelings. 

Silent communicators communicate through eyes abd deeds , people who openly express feelings talk a lot , sometimes love to write a lot like me. 😊

When there is happiness in your heart.. every morning is meaningful and joyful...😊

It's better to be ones everything than being everyone's some thing.

Every person will have a silent admirer , we know them later sometimes. So , go ahead . Someone may be waiting to see you progress in life. 

Hope is everything in life. .👍👍👍🥰

Dream silently.. whenever you get time.. 

Dream out of the box.. do your daily tasks with that sweetness of the dream. 

If you see 100 dreams , minimum 25 will come true some day in your life for sure.. 


Love yourself when no one can hear your voice .. 

Let others love you , when one day they can feel your inner voice. 😊

When you yearn for something , you will learn more enthusiastically and earn its benefits later. 

Try try try until the last moment. 

Cherish the tensed moments only to remember them later as your first steps to the ultimate success ...😊😊💐💐💐🍁🍂

Stay with those physically and mentally , who can bring smile on your face and lift you up. 

Say no to others ... 

Today or tomorrow , if something is destined for you. You will get it back. 

Go just ahead.


Live like there is only today left for you. 

Do smart work today , then you can enjoy tomorrow effortlessly. 😊

There will always be a ray of hope in something somewhere in your life. Cherish that aspect always .

Make it a fuel for your restart always.  😊👍👍👍

If you have a dream which is positive and will bring smile to someone genuine.

Then surely , the almighty will help you to progress. 

The universe will help you. 

Trust your mission , set ready n just go...😊👍

Your words and experiences can change and direct others if you share them honestly. Be bold to be open in life. Let others see the path clearly . Even your failures make others think out of box sometimes and adopt accordingly when confronted with similar situations in life. 😊

When you were a child , you struggled a lot to walk ,read ,write etc. 

Then you learnt everything and mastered it. 

Later ,you will go back to that early stage in old age.

So ,the middle stage is the golden period. 

Utilise it effectively .

You were taught those skills to use only in this period effectively. They will be taken back from you slowly slowly. 

Live this moment with happiness .

Breath in the fullness of each moment .

Someday when you are unpleasant ,u will feel that gone are those days when I felt so much comfortable in everything.

Never lose hope on present situation or people. 

Who knows ,they will vanish from you just like a sea wave one day..

Cherish your goals , you will be having no hindrance then to proceed. 

Feel free... Feel rejoiced.😊

Everything has a reason and a deep connection with your destiny. 

You decide something today , if it doesn't happen that way ,don't get upset. 

God's plan B will be apt for your future progress. 

You are only his warrior chosen .

You will be guided by him correctly. 

Trust your destiny .

Enjoy this moment which is a previous gift .

You feel comfortable this moment ,right ? 

Then it's definitely a gift. 😊👍🌹🎖🏆

Let your inner conflicts resolve first .

Be patient ,trust the process .

Will be solved soon or later.

This is your own journey ,no need to think of others. 

You have your own pace to pick up  things and succeed. 

Compete with old and new version of you only. 

You are unique , only one piece ... In the world. 

Stay calm and cool. 

Stay focused

There are good and bad ladies. 

Some full of jealousy ,hatred , 

Some full of inferiority  ,

Some full of anger and vengeance , 

Some confused and depressed , 

Some overconfident , arrogant and selfish , 

Some down to earth,focused ,intelligent and smart 

Some innocent ,confused ,sorrowful. 

I prefer the last ones to help for. 

They need to be taken care of by overcoming problems created by the negative women. 


No one can ever beat you if you don't bow to anyone. 😊

Once you begin to see failures in life. Think success will come to you soon or later. 😊❤️

See everything as an opportunity . After all , life is given for learning till the end. Own life , own rules ,own experiences and no external interference indeed. Just cheer up and go ahead😊

You are a warrior in life. Respect yourself and your needs . 👍

Noone is perfect. No need to worry about your imperfections. It's all about your view points. 😊

Always stay motivated . Everything is an experience. Just feel and go ahead. 😊

Reality gets reflected in your eyes and perceived by your mind , 

Converted into thoughts and recorded as experiences in your memory. 

In the night , they build your dreams. 😊🍂

Courage is when you don't have to cover yourself . 😊

Express yourself , be open to the world. 

Experience the freedom therein.

Release the bonds , 

Dive into the ocean of ecstacy .

For the heaven is your own world of thoughts. 

Thy heaven is thy mind. 😊❤️☘

Loneliness is the fertile soil for the seeds of thoughts. 

Some beautiful hopes will be implanted deeply in the mind then and there itself. 😊

You will get what you deserve. 

Chase your dreams ,work relentlessly , 

Then , attract the fate to be in your favour.

Remember , if it is for you. 

It will be yours today or tomorrow. 

It's made for you only. 

It will be there. 😊

No matter how much it undergoes melting , pure gold will be always like that .

It will have its own value everywhere. 

No matter how much you suffer in your life ,if you are pure gold ,your value will magnify day by day. 

Just wait and watch the game😊❤️❤️❤️

Winners place back their steps and think twice to leap four steps forward to success. That's it. 👍👑

We undergo many changes in life. Persons change , places change ,situations change and obviously we also change. 

Some things still exist in us. 

Some songs ,some smells , some places remind us of old memories. 

Such a nostalgia makes us what we were those days again .

That moment , when the past comes as a flashback in our eyes. 

We think and see those flashes in just a moment. 

The unforgettable treasure of cherished memories. 😊😍

Every day will not be the same. 

Some days will be interesting ,some boring. 

Yet we have to move on with a smile. 

Some days we see new people welcoming us with their simple smile and chit chat. 

It's such a delightful experience especially when such people are strangers a moment before yet talking as if they know our heart. 😊

Some people will also be there who can't identify us even though they see us since years. 

May be such people ignore our supreme existence in the world. 

But remember , our thoughts create our own vibes around us. 

We live in our own world of fantasy and expectations which no one ever enters. ❤️

That's a pure sanctuary... 

The concept itself is quite interesting. 

Our own sanctuary of inhibitions and freedoms.. 

Our own territory of dreams. 

Yes , we are kings or Queens of our own territory. 

Who cares about sneek peekers. 

Just move on. 😊👍❤️

Once you become dear to someone , they will never forget you. 

Once you help someone when they are in trouble , they will remember you even when they land in other problems. 😊

Your words will remain in someone's mind . 

Mark your words , they are powerful weapons or medicines indeed. 😊👌

We know ourselves clearly only when we have to act in situations out of comfort zones. 😊

You are your greatest admirer and critic. Think well to balance them often. 😊👍

Years will go and your  age will increase ...

Increase your efforts too to let people say that you lived long ago in the world and now in  their hearts. 😊❤️

Someone can only imitate you. They can't take your charm and charisma from you. 

Rule the world with your personality , not by your external show offs 🎖👑👌

You can be lovable to anyone. But they should have the persona to be loved by you. 

Set your level at that top range. 

No looking backs. Steady rising only. 😊👍❤️

For the haters , contribute by working smart , not hard. 

Let your work show them your reality. 

After all , everything strikes back a day..  👌😚

Royalty is being loyal to yourself in all circumstances. 

He who stands loyal will become royal like a lion ...😊😍👑💐🎖👌

Thoughts which flow like a pond become ocean when you get stucked in life and it's turbulent situations. 

Yet when you come out of it , you can sense your bigness. 

You were a pond then , 

Now you became an ocean. 

It's just simple as like that. 😊❤️👍

You go through a path , no one will be there . 

You feel lonely ? !

You reached the end and found out that , 

You were paving a beautiful way for others . 

That was your discovery. 

Now you are the leader .

The rest of the world follows your foot steps. 

That's the truth of life. 

Never wait for someone to come along with you. 

Start your journey.  Others will follow you. 

Then you will be the leader. Not the follower. 😊👍

Better to try and fail once than fail even to try once in life. 

One failure will help you fetch two more innings to gain success. 😊👍

Magic lies in every word  and deed of a person you like the most. 😊😍

Whatever the world say.. let them say. 

You only know your inner turmoil and your efforts to overcome that. 

Your journey is clear only to you. 

Be proud of your pain and pleasure equally. 😊👍

Experiences from the feeding bottle to the grave yard that never ends ..

Reflected in one's eyes.. 

Eyes , the windows to the soul which reflects the whole journey when the shadow of the past fells on it. 

When something unusual happens , it sparks like anything. 

When something thought provoking happens , gaze turns upwards. 

When in thoughtful silence , the calmness indeed reflects. 

When something feels deep to the core , the sadness feels as teary rain in eyes. 

The ocean of all the ages , the entrance of all the energies..

Eyes are the deepest treasures one can ever have. 

Be it romance or deceit or  some mischief.. look in the eyes to find the trace. 

The human race is bestowed with the powerful eyes. 

Magnificent eyes full of divine power.

Solitude .. the unknown soulful journey to the truth 

Yes , I was born with solitude . 

Yet I had with me the solitude as my shadow. 

I was never ashamed of myself . 

For me , I was the light of the tiny hope candles I had in my life. 

Oh , world,  let's together achieve something very magnificent . 

Something which can make the world a place of joy , a place of freedom.

You opened the door to my life , 

That day ,... I felt I was reborn with more strength . 

More strength to achieve great heights in life . 

A life that is blissful , a light that penetrates the deepest trenches of shadowy darkness. 

I found myself in the great avalanches of my own soul. 

That was the starting of the remarkable journey to discover myself ,the inner soul. 

You see deep in yourself , just touch your passion , give your thoughts . 

For you will feel another person in you , 

Your inner feelings go deeper than you. 

Oh , you are the treasure in this whole world . 

Each of you remain  awake from the blow. 

This is not a blow , but a call to the universe

To ressurect from the ashes to a shiny new universe . 

Be well versed with your mind and see what happens next. 

Be joyful all the time , count your blessings. Not your flaws. 

Be hopeful all the time , it's time to change the world , let's do it now and itself.

There should be a reason for anything and everything .

If something exists for you amidst the crisis , it's for you. 

Otherwise , let that go away. 

Let the storm go away with your lost hopes. 

The land is peaceful , you go to the shore ; 

Enjoy the breeze , take yourself to the sandybars and say cheers to your well-being .

For the storm is over , 

Yes ,you have survived ;

Amidst the terrible waves , 

You live as a testimony that , 

You can survive.

Just hope to fly to a safer sky and forget all your worries , 

Time to revive , time to rejoice 

Tomorrow is made for you , only for you . 

Just try to fly high and reach the sky. 😊🎖💐☘🍃🍁



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