Experiences makes one know the world perfectly..
It is his or her unique personality which decides how to react to that situation.
Some may prepare themselves to fight with adversities .
Some may feel insecure and try to escape from the situation.
This is an experience once told by a journalist about his student.
Like an average indian girl she also had her dreams .. dreams about a perfect family , education , job and ofcourse marriage.
But her fate was not upto the mark..

Besides being an alcoholic her father developed paranoid behaviour to her mother. When trust is broken in a relationship , its all gone.
He lost trust in his wife and the poor daughter had to silently suffer all the quarrels. Being fed up with this and losing hope about  future  , her elder sister committed suicide.

She also could choose that  path but she decided to continue her studies amidst  the storm. In the night when her parents quarrelled , she studied without considering that..

For her, this didnot distract her because her intentions were aimed at attaining peace eventually .

She became a nurse ...gained a job in america and the next step was to take her mother away from the quarrelling father . She took her mother with her and later , admitted her father in de-addiction  centre.
He was treated and hopefully became well .

Solutions for our problems are there within us only..
Search for it, you will get definitely.
Often adversities pave the way for a better personality ..
Strong persons are made from difficult situations ..
Change the attitude and you can face any thing , any where.


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