I have a question... Why God is like this?

I have a question in my mind...
If anyone can suggest an ample answer  for this ,please do it..
In this wonderful yet unpredictable world,many people come and go ...
Some people do righteous things,some others fill the world with destructive thoughts,some others shrink into their own lives,some others illuminate the society with selfless services..

What all the religions teach us is to be on the right path always and not to cultivate evil ideas. It is a fact that creating shortcuts for success by any means is the real mantra of the mankind in this century. That is , often we say practical aspect is something different from documented knowledge.

Inspite of knowing this reality,some guys will do hard work and live modestly without even thoughts of harming others.People loving power and control over others ascend in life even by harassing innocent people.The learned pious guys lose everything in the race of life.
Indian ideology points out the reason as sins done in the previous janmas ie,life times.We donot know about our past life , so we simply take this thing in mind to console such unlucky persons.

I think God as the supreme power who has designated each and everything in thid universe. God is also omnipresent ,omniscient and kindest person. Every thing happens as per his wish. If some one does a bad deed , that thought is also generated by him ,like this ,good deeds also.

 Common belief is that God created this universe and he is initiating and watching everyone up in the heaven. If he is considering all creatures as equal?why he intends some to do good and some to do bad? Why the results are not as per the principle good actions yield prosperity and bad deeds  result  in unhappiness. Why this is not working in all lives...?

Aged mothers who have spent their lives giving love to others die out of  depression when their relatives donot want them any more. Being a caring mother was the sin of them?
In the animal world,the spider eats its own progenies some times..
Righteousness and kindness are unique aspects of humanity. Why God is making righteous people suffer more?
Any one can suggest the reason for these???


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