He, had lost his parents....and with his brother ,he was living somehow..

He did not think about the rest of his life.. but he knew life is not that much easy..

Some trivial incidents in school life with friends as co-actors,some  memories about some one whom he cared and loved silently are his most valuable assets in life....

She was a sleeping beauty for him,from the first moment they saw in the class, he felt a strange  connection with her..

He did not try  to attract her by playing gimmicks,only he knew was to worship her silently in his mind,spend hours to watch how she used to talk and walk around with friends..

She remained quiet, but her cute smile could not hide her mind from him.He felt waves of happiness around him..

They did not go for  a date,nor they wanted to cheat their family. The religious barriers created an unknown space between their families. For this relationship, even the teachers scolded him badly.
He was injured at mind because she was not an object of lust for him,but a serene creation  made by god for showering the love  he lost from his parents.

Years passed...

He left the school as no one special  for the school authorities...Like an ordinary student,he wished admission some where for some course for graduation.He played games like entrance examinations ..!By this time,he moved to his father's home...Far away from that town.

She too went to far for pursuing her nursing studies..

Once again they became strangers..

He had nothing left to sacrifice...he wished to do some thing for his nation. After three hard attempts, he could join the national defense academy.

There he knew the real zeal and sacrifice in life..Passionate moments followed when he finally got the Indian army uniform in his hand .

YOU have seen the film' Jab tak hein  jaan'- playing with bombs like toys and engaging in risky operations became a part of his life now- yes, the same cute ordinary soft hearted lover boy..

He is the Captain of an entire battalion in the Special protection force of Govt.of India. They are the real heroes who  cannot even weep if their fellow officer get martyred in an operation. They save the country by sacrificing their own lives.

Even in such a position, he wanted to meet her again. With the help of an old friend, he got her address and they went to see her after  a  long train journey.

He knew she was about to marry another relative of her ,but what he valued was his love and respect for her. He bid her good bye blessing her a happy married life.

He was different, he did not curse her, nor he  thought of a suicide or blaming himself and the society.

He lives contented hoping  the people who did not understand him will someday make out his real potential.

Life has changed him a lot, a tough frame of glass on his face seems like he is trying to mask that old innocent boy  within him..

I as a friend  stood wondering  after hearing what all things happened to such a person ....




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